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28.09.2012 Comments from the editors on publishing issue 4-12 of the Tara I Upakovka magazine

“It turned out to be interesting, effective just like ‘pure plastic reality’ according to the words of the artist…”


“This July, the staff of our magazine went on a tour of the Galileo Coating Technologies factory in the town of Khotkovo. It is the biggest manufacturer of vacuum metallized products in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe.


The factory is a modern building with a bright façade and clear geometric lines. The association with the paintings of the famous Dutch painter Piet Mondrian immediately comes to mind. That is why we decided to use the article, the cover printed from metallized board and its design based on one of the painter’s works, to tell the readers about a new form of art – metallization. The result was interesting, effective and just like “the pure plastic reality” the painter spoke about. According to some designers who have seen the cover of this issue, real art is about conveying generalized beauty and truth with the most ascetic means – colorful tones, lines and form. Also, using the metallized base helped stress the nuances and made the cover more expressive and vivid.


“We hope that in the future, we will continue offering CJSC ‘Galileo Nanotech’ unusual ways for demonstrating the possibilities of their products, and we are confident in the huge success of our partnership.”


Staff at Tara I Upakovka magazine 
